C/ Goya 55, 1st left · 28001 (Madrid)
Nearby metro : Velázquez, Goya
Bus stop: 21, 53
Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 -14:00 16:00-20:00

Tel: 697 60 49 56

Surgical podiatry and foot surgery
Foot surgery and surgical podiatry in Madrid
Definitive solution for all the most annoying deformities produced in the foot, such as claw toes, hammer toes, mallet, exostosis, Morton's neuroma, ingrown nails, papillomas...
At Podo Láser we have an operating room regulated in Health to perform minor surgery under local anesthetic.
Book an appointment easily and safely

Intervention of the bony peak produced with local anesthesia

Solution of deformities in claw of the lesser fingers.

Analysis by Pathological Anatomy of the lesions produced in the foot
Solución de la deformidad de Hallux Valgus o juanete dolorosos en ámbito de quirófano