C/ Goya 55, 1st left · 28001 (Madrid)
Nearby metro : Velázquez, Goya
Bus stop: 21, 53
Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 -14:00 16:00-20:00

Tel: 697 60 49 56

Laser treatment for nail fungus

Laser treatment for nail fungus in Madrid

The best care of your nails
PinPointe™ FootLaser™ is designed for the treatment of onychomycosis or nail fungus. The only laser in the market with the American FDA aimed at onychomycosis.
The treatment will consist of a diagnostic protocol through a culture and the PCR test, which will determine what type of fungus the nail has.
Once we know the type of fungus, we will start with the 4 laser sessions, in which a previous cleaning and cutting of the nail and an application with a duration of 25-30 minutes of application through pulsed energy.
Next we will show the effects in one from our patients
´´ New laser treatment takes aim at toenail fungus´´ The Washington Post
Long-Pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG Laser for the Treatment of Onychomycosis. Photomed Laser Surgery. 2017
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